Monday, December 23, 2013

28 Weeks!

This week I am 28 weeks pregnant! We are in the third trimester!!!!  Baby is about 14.8" long and weighs about 2.2 lbs!  Olivia will be putting on more and more fat in the coming weeks to fill out her skin.  Her lungs are functional now, although not strong enough that she would be able to breath on her own, and her immune system is ramping up to handle the outside world.

We had our 28 week appointment this morning.  It started out with the yucky sugar drink (tastes like extra syrupy flat soda) used in the glucose screening test.  I've heard the lemon-lime flavor is better than the others, and that's what I've had before, so I stuck with that.  Then we had our appointment with the doctor.  It's always fun to hear Olivia's heartbeat!  Since I'm a worrier it is also nice to have a check up and know that everything is on track.  We talked about my sleeping issues (waking up 5-7 times a night, not really sleeping at all) and my doctor suggested taking a bath at night, naps, and trying Tylenol PM or Benadryl.  Naps are kind of tough since I work during the day, but I will definitely be trying the other options!

After our appointment I had a blood draw to check my glucose levels and for anemia.  I haven't got results back yet, but hopefully my glucose levels are still good, because I love carbs.  They are my favorite.  I also had my Rhophylac injection today, since I am Rh-.  The odds are good that Olivia will be Rh+ (90% of people are Rh+), so the shot will keep her blood from interacting with mine, should our blood come in contact.  That shot was given in my butt and hurrrrrt!  They use a big needle, which is probably why it isn't given in the arm.  Here I was dreading the blood draw, when I should have been dreading the butt shot...  All worth it, though!

28 weeks! 
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!!!


  1. I'm RH- too and remember that shot not being too pleasant. Just something to look forward to in a couple weeks... :)

    1. Not pleasant at all! I treated myself to Dutch Bros afterward :)
