Monday, January 27, 2014

33 Weeks!

This week I am 33 weeks pregnant! Baby is about 17.2" long and weighs about 4.2lbs!  Olivia should now be keeping her eyes open while she is awake and coordinating breathing with sucking and swallowing.

My short torso is getting CROWDED!  It seems like my belly has been getting bigger every day.  At our appointment on Thursday our doctor confirmed that baby girl is in a head down position!  That would explain why I'm feeling those powerful movements up by my ribs and smaller movements down in my abdomen.  Hopefully she will stay that way so she will be ready when the time comes.  I've read this is likely, as there isn't much room to flip over anymore and babies' heads are most comfortable down low.  My uterus is crowding my lungs and I get out of breath really quickly.  When I lie on my back everything kind of shifts up and makes it even harder to breath.  Our doctor said soon Olivia will drop and I'll be able to breath, but not walk.  Oh, the joys of pregnancy :)

I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions for the past few weeks.  They are getting increasingly uncomfortable, but don't hurt and help to prepare my body for the real thing.  We have made a bunch of progress on her nursery, which has been so much fun!  I love spending time in her room.  Tim and I are so excited to welcome Olivia and are getting more and more anxious for her arrival!

33 weeks!

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