Monday, January 6, 2014

30 Weeks!!

This week I am 30 weeks pregnant!  Baby is about 15.7" long and weighs about 2.9 lbs! Olivia is now strong enough to grasp a finger and I am looking forward to being able to hold her little tiny hands.  I remember how wonderful it was when my niece and nephew would hold onto my fingers when they were tiny babes.  It's so crazy thinking about how big and strong she is getting!  We are only 10 weeks away from her due date, and it is starting to feel more and more real.

We had our 30 week appointment this morning.  My blood pressure is great, my doctor is really pleased with my weight, and baby girl is growing right on track!  I will admit that I'm starting to get a bit anxious.  I'm really hoping to not have a c-section, but we talked about them today and I know that if I have to have one, it's because that's what has to happen for baby girl to arrive safely.  I'm not really scared to give birth, I'm just anxious about going into labor, not knowing when it will happen, and hoping that everything goes well for Olivia and I.  I'm a control freak, and these are things I can't control.  I am ready for March to get here and for our baby girl to arrive safe and healthy.  New carpet is going in TODAY, so now I will be able to work on her nursery, which I think will help keep me busy and pass the time.

Tim and I are so happy with our doctor!  He is nice, patient, and we get the impression that he really knows what he is doing.  After he checks everything he needs to check, he takes the time to answer any questions we have.  I usually have a list (control freak), and he takes the time to discuss them and when I run out, he's asking what else I'd like to talk about.  We never feel rushed.  I'm so glad we are comfortable with our doctor and trust his decisions.

Just 10 weeks to go!!

30 weeks!

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