Thursday, November 27, 2014


I have a lot to be thankful for this year!  I'm so thankful for my wonderful husband and our families and friends, our home, and our jobs. This year I am especially thankful for our healthy and happy little girl.  Happy first Thanksgiving, Olivia!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Sunday, November 16, 2014

8 Months!

On Thursday Olivia turned 8 months old! This month Olivia had her first cold.  It was hard to see her uncomfortable, but she was a trooper.  We are hoping, for our sake and hers, that she starts sleeping better once her cough goes away.  She's usually a very happy baby, always laughing and smiling!

Olivia finally rolls from her tummy to her back!  Now we are working on rolling from back to tummy.  I think she is close to crawling too, and she's starting to pick up her feet while she is standing and take little baby steps.  This month she got to try puffs, banana and some more interesting baby foods, like mac n' cheese and chicken noodle.  Her favorite things are clapping, snuggling her baby, and rolling onto her back so she doesn't have to do tummy time. This month she got to go to the pumpkin patch again, go to a Halloween party, and splash around at Great Wolf Lodge.

8 months old!

Working on her laptop

She plays with toys while I pump

 Standing like a big girl!

 Passed out in Daddy's arms

 Second trip to the pumpkin patch

 Am I the only creeper that watches their baby sleep?

 Hanging out with Willie

 Trying to eat banana

 Olivia and Owen at the Halloween party

 Celebrating Veteran's Day with her great-grandpa

 Bundled up for the cold!  She wasn't a fan of the  mittens

We are looking forward to the holiday season with our little babe!  
