This week I am 38 weeks pregnant! Average babes are about 19.6" long and weighs about 6.8lbs at 38 weeks! Last Monday the doctor estimated that Olivia was probably closer to 8lbs and ordered an ultrasound. The ultrasound on Tuesday estimated her to be 6lbs 9oz, which is right on track, although ultrasound measurements can be off by a pound or more in either direction, so who knows! At our ultrasound the tech also confirmed that Olivia is indeed a girl. Even after seeing it on our ultrasound at 20 weeks, I have still found it so hard to believe we are having a girl! I had been so convinced Tim and I would only have boys, but this ultrasound confirmed it to be true. Still so hard to believe!
We had our 38 week check up this morning and got some good news! I am 2cm dilated, 80% effaced, and Olivia's head is "right there". This doesn't necessarily mean I will go into labor anytime soon, but it is a good sign that things are starting to progress. We are hoping she will make her appearance soon!
My clothes are getting too small! My jeans still work (Motherhood Maternity's jeans are the best!), but my shirts are definitely getting too short. I won't have much of a selection the next few weeks, but I have enough to get by. The shirt below, for instance, used to go down to just above my knees, before I grew that ginormo bump. Olivia's nursery is ready and our bags are packed for the hospital. We are ready for you, baby girl!
38 weeks!